Colon Cleansing at Hyderabad, India
Colon cleansing is a process that involves cleaning the insides of the large intestine. It is a safe internal bath which allows warm filtered water into the colon through a small pencil size disposable nozzle. The waste from the rectum is discharged from the nozzle sides. The process lasts for around 30 to 40 minutes.
Preparation for the Colon Cleansing Process
The cleansing session is done on an empty stomach. It is advisable to get the session done with in 2 hours of having a meal. The therapy is done in a private and relaxing environment.
The therapist briefs the patient about the cleansing process and the nozzle insertion techniques with the aid of images and video. All doubts can be cleared during this session.
Colon Cleansing Procedure
Water is purified using water purification and multistage filtration chambers. The water is controlled at 38 Degrees Celsius. This water flows through the nozzle tube into the colon, filling it with warm water and elicits a response of defecation. Softened waste material flows out down the drain to the base of the CHT table and passes through a two inch viewing tube which will show water along waste going out. At the end of the 30 to 40 minute session, you will notice clear water going out, which is an indication that the session is done.
Benefits of Colon Cleansing:
- Improves digestion and prevents constipation
- Increases energy and concentration
- Aids weight loss
- Supports overall colon health
- Encourages whole body detox
- Colon cleansing procedure can be seen on a video screen also