Lady Doctors for Piles Treatment in Hyderabad

Lady Doctors for Piles Treatment in Hyderabad

Your friendly neighborhood female piles surgeon in Hyderabad is here if you are looking at one. It is found that piles problem for women are just as frequent as they are for men. However, the right treatment for piles from the right expert is the key to solving this problem. Just in case you are planning to visit a lady doctor for piles treatment in Hyderabad, it would be sensible to understand the major factors which are responsible for the development of piles in women.

Reasons Why Women Develop Piles

What are the reasons for women developing piles? Practicing lady doctors at Laser Piles Clinics see many female patients suffering from piles. They have observed that the most common cause of piles in women is dehydration. Women in Hyderabad just do not consume an adequate quantity of water. Keeping hydrated is essential in a hot city like Hyderabad. This will assure that you will not develop piles or have to seek the services of a lady doctor for treatment of piles. Some of the other common causes of women developing piles include lack of vegetable & fruit intake which provide the necessary fiber in diet & most importantly improper straining habits during the bowel movement.

Do Poor Bowel Habits Really Cause Hemorrhoids

Yes, poor bowel habits can cause hemorrhoids. In case you want to avoid piles & subsequent treatment, it would be sensible for you to make a change in bowel habits. Moreover, do not unduly strain yourself for more than 15 minutes while passing stools in the morning time. Lady doctors at Laser Piles Clinics have frequently found that almost 20% of female patients coming for treatment suffer from piles due to improper toilet habits.

The relation between Pregnancy, Weight Gain & Piles

There is a definite relationship between pregnancy, weight gain & piles. There are no two thoughts about it. Both, weight gain during & after pregnancy is bad news & can cause piles. It would, therefore, be better than you avoid gaining weight to keep away from developing piles. After all, ‘Prevention is better than Cure’! No woman willingly would want to visit a lady doctor for piles treatment, unless & until it was necessary.

Do Older Women also Suffer from Piles?

Yes, piles also occur among women who are above 50 years of age. Parts of the rectal canal also age as you grow older.

Difference between Internal Piles & External Piles

Basically, there are two types of piles; internal piles & external piles. However, external piles can be more painful in comparison with internal piles as they have nerves since they are covered with skin. But then, internal piles bleed more than external piles & can also interfere with a bowel movement.

Lady Doctors for Your Piles Treatment in Hyderabad/Secunderabad

Laser Piles Clinic branch at Secunderabad provides services of lady doctors for piles treatment of female patients. This is one of the best hospitals in twin cities for piles treatment sought by women. Specialist doctors using advanced US FDA technology have good success rate on laser treatment for piles. The entire laser treatment procedure for piles is knife-less & patients can walk out of the office within 2 to 4 hours time without disturbing their daily routine activities. Schedule an appointment now for your piles treatment in Hyderabad at the Secunderabad branch.

Schedule an appointment today. Call us: 910 850 3674, Email:

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