What diet should a patient follow after an appendectomy?

What diet should a patient follow after an appendectomy?

What is an appendectomy?

An appendectomy entails surgical removal of an appendix, a tiny tube-shaped bulge linked to the large intestine of every human being. It is normally performed when the appendix gets inflamed.

The jury is, however, divided on the exact function of the appendix. Some say it helps humans in recuperating from diarrhea or when small and large intestines get inflamed or infected. On the other hand, other medical experts aver that a human body does not need an appendix to function normally.

Why it is necessary

But when an appendix is inflamed, it allows bacteria within it to proliferate, causing pus to be formed. Because of the increase in bacteria and the accumulation of pus, people feel pain surrounding the region within the belly button and this can extend to the abdomen’s lower right section.

Patients suffering from appendicitis, therefore, feel much more pain when they walk and cough. They may feel uneasy and also have symptoms like nausea and diarrhea. In fact, it may be life-threatening if not treated immediately, leading to the rupture of the appendix.

After a surgeon performs an appendectomy, the majority of patients recoup immediately without any side-effects. The patients need to rest for a few days after that treatment so that wounds get healed well.

Why proper diet after appendectomy is important

After an appendectomy is performed, the patients need to have a proper diet to improve their gastrointestinal system.

Let us have a look at what the eating regimen of patients should be like after the surgery.

Their foods must contain bromelain – which is an enzyme found predominantly in pineapples.  It is renowned for ameliorating pain and treating wounds.  Bromelain hastens the process of healing wounds and mitigates possibilities of swelling of tissues and muscles after a surgery

Patients recovering after undergoing an appendectomy need to take vitamin C in high amounts. This vitamin is a crucial element in all facets of healing internal wounds. It is found in lime, lemons, kiwi fruits, guavas, red capsicum, oranges, and grapefruit, among others.

Another vital ingredient for recovering patients is vitamin A which hastens the recompensing process of the human body. It helps activate the cell reproduction procedure. Vitamin A is found in abundant quantities in dark leafy vegetables, carrots, potatoes, papayas, mangoes, chicken liver, milk, and eggs.

It is recommended that patients who are being treated post appendectomy to improve their immune system by having foods that contain inflammation like ginger, broccoli, celery, blueberries, beets, etc. to keep at bay any prospects of perforations in their bodies.

The patients should also take foods that are rich in zinc so that it does not affect their bodies’ normal healing process. Zinc is found in peanuts, legumes, milk products, and egg yolks.

After people are affected by appendicitis, they need to ensure that their stomachs get fully recovered again by having enough probiotic foods. When the patients are being treated after surgery, they are administered an excess of antibiotics and anesthetics that affect their bowels. To make them healthy in these parts of the body again consumption of yogurt, cheese, buttermilk, etc. is encouraged.

These people should also eat foods that are rich in arginine and Omega3. While arginine is found in pumpkin seeds, chicken, dairy products, pumpkin seeds, peanuts, lentils, etc., Omega 3 is found in fish, walnuts, eggs, etc.

Foods to keep off after appendix surgery

Foods to avoid after appendix surgery are those with high-fat content. Foods rich in fat increase pain in the abdomen and are not easy to digest. Onion rings, french fries, and foods without too much salt, sugar, and chemical additives must be strictly avoided. To be on the safe side, they should avoid processed food entirely. On the other hand, increased intake of fiber is encouraged.

If you or your loved ones are exhibiting any signs of appendicitis, do not defer the treatment. Consult Vitality’s Laser Piles clinic in Hyderabad to schedule an appointment.

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